Forest Table

Human Factors, Semantics & Aesthetics, Fabrication • What makes an object worth having for a long time?


With this artifact I hope to reward attention without commanding it. Made to mimic the subtle balance of trees in a forest, the dowels and the associated negative space activate as the viewer moves around the object. The dynamic quality balances with the plainness of the top and bottom of the table to create interest without novelty while maintaining functionality.


Ideation happened quickly with accessible inspiration and proof-of-concept model making.

The bottom board has holes drilled at appropriate angles to hold the 3/4" dowels in place. The jig here has a large flat plane with double stick tape on the bottom to keep a strong grip on the boards. Dowels were angled in sets of three to provide strength to the span, and a gap was left for storage.

Dowels were rough cut to size, sanded, and placed in the oven to shrink to a size that could fit in the holes and still insure a snug fit. Five dowels extend past the others onto a flat plane: four in the corners and one in the middle for added stability.

A height-standardizing jig and a flush trim handsaw to cut the dowels to the height.

Dowels were glued to the top with a fast setting epoxy and the table was finished with tung oil.